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Bodhi Farms Cooking Class

For the last two summers, I've had the pleasure of teaching kids at the Bodhi Farms Summer Camp.

This year was the best as I recognized many of the kids from the previous years, or they are my friends' and clientele kids.

Under a large tent, 20 eager, curious, full-of-life kids, circled around me.

They had four questions to answer, what is your name, where were you born, what is your favorite color, and what is your favorite food.

I started with me. It was amazing to see how many kids had heard, visited, or knew the location of Colombia.

Many of the kids were born in Montana, but we had young ones from California, Utah, Colorado, Connecticut, and like one said, from "Here". They loved purple, pink, blue, green, and yellow, and their favorite foods ranged from vegetables to sweet potato fries with ranch.

All twenty of them helped me make the salad, and with such eagerness, that I was beyond happy.

The best part came when they helped me make the salad dressing. We put all of the ingredients in a mason jar, and each of the twenty helped me give it a LITTLE SHAKE, to KC and the Sunshine Band, Shake, Shake, Shake.

I can't wait until next summer.

Here are the ingredients as described for a kid to follow

3 handfuls of greens

1 handful of grated carrots

1 handful of grated beets

1 handful of cooked beluga lentils

Little handful of mint

Little handful of basil

3 handfuls of cubed watermelon

For the salad dressing- I premeasured, they poured

4 TBSP olive oil

2 TBSP seasoned rice vinegar

1 TBSP cherry marmalade


In a large bowl, start with the lettuce and follow in order of ingredients.

For the salad dressing, all all of the ingredients in a mason jar, and mix to KC and the Sunshine Band's, Shake, Shake, Shake.

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1 Comment

May 26, 2022

I love this, Chef Claudia!

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